Ni Sawa Hasa! Magazine

Taking its name from a very optimistic 1980s East African Sportsman Cigarettes advertising slogan, Ni Sawa Hasa! (a Kiswahili expression for "couldn’t be better!") is a limited edition, self-published monograph magazine.

Existing at the intersection of analogue and graphic illustration, multiple stream-of-consciousness comics, and multilingual texts, the magazine thesis aims to articulate the intersectional aesthetic expression of heritage in diaspora communities and how these in turn inform resulting global pop cultures.

The magazine monograph's aesthetics are guided by pan-European design methods and how these intersect with pan-African media histories.

Ni Sawa Hasa! Magazine is now a part of the Kunsthochschule Kassel (Art University of Kassel) Library.

Research focus point

Identity politics meet personal branding | Ethical on your very own conscience | The economics of hope as negotiated between the velocity of upward mobility and the
contentment of opulence.

Statement Jewelery done in collaboration with Wildwood Gallery & Store (2013)

Listen Up!
Earring Pieces made in reverence of those who seek a supposed socio-political truth. The one-piece earrings imitate comic balloons that traditionally express volume or explosive action.